Geology Becomes Department of Geological Sciences – 1991-1993

Photo of Department of Geological Sciences plaque

The Department of Geology became the Department of Geological Sciences in 1991.

Geology Becomes Department of Geological Sciences – 1991-1993

The Department of Geology became the Department of Geological Sciences in 1991 with R. Ethington as department chair.

At the time, the Geology Museum contained more than 100,000 specimens, including mineral and clay reference specimens, in addition to an array of invertebrate, vertebrate, and plant specimens (including a specialized collection of polished petrified wood) according to The Bulletin Undergrad catalogue for 1991-1993.

The Geology Library housed more than 59,000 volumes, more than 680 periodicals and 125,000 maps that covered all aspects of geology.

Field camp prices increased over the years to incorporate the cost of field transportation and general upkeep of the Camp.  However, there were also several scholarships offered to support undergraduate and graduate students in their scholarly endeavors.