The Williamson Family Colloquium Series: Sept 22nd

Dr. Matthew McKay
108 Geological Sciences Bldg

Deploying virtual reality, unmanned aerial vehicles, and interactive exercises in undergraduate education

One of the most challenging educational tasks in the geosciences is teaching students to think in 3D and at different scales. I will present examples where we have used technology to bridge this gap, including (1) 3D, panoramic imagery to deploy using virtual reality headsets, (2) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV or drones) data/imagery, and (3) interactive tools, including role-playing scenarios and 3D printed assets for use in the classroom. This talk will focus on the strategies and workflow we used to create interactive content and highlight the successes, failures, potential, and limitations of the technology at this time. Attendees are invited to explore several examples as part of this talk.  

For more information about Dr. McKay's research, please see his research and Google Scholar pages: 

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