Economic Geology – 1882
Economic Geology – 1882
Economic Geology – 1882
According to historical records from Boone County in 1882, Missouri was a rich mineral state, with no state in the union surpassing Missouri for its rich minerals. Coal deposits were “almost unnumbered, embracing all varieties of the best bituminous coal,” the report continued. Coal beds of Missouri surpassed in value gold deposits in California. The state also had great quantities of iron and lead, as well as known deposits of copper and zinc, building stone and marble, gypsum and lime, clays, and paints and more. Missouri was also known for is supplies of cold springs of pure water, with waterpower sufficient to drive mills and factories. “The day is not far distant when these crystal fountains will be utilized, and a thousand saws will buzz to their dashing music,” the Boone County report summarized.