Department of Geological Sciences celebrates its 150th anniversary
Department of Geological Sciences celebrates its 150th anniversary
Author Debbie Cutler spent months doing research on this lengthy historical article, which is broken down into easy bites for readers’ ease. Of particular help was University Archives, University of Missouri-Columbia. She received a multitude of documents from them, everything from old course catalogs to a story written in the 1940s by Luella Hoffman about her mother who went to school at the university in the 1870s. Cutler also spent time looking at online course catalogues, website articles, old newspaper archives —and many other forms of documents, including The Maneater (a publication of MU, composed of students); historical timelines; and interviews with current and former chairs, faculty, and advisors. Other major sources include “A Century of Geology at the University of Missouri,” provided by the Department of Geological Sciences and “The University of The State of Missouri” report, put out by the Curator of the Governor (ending in June 1871).
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