Sarah Jacquet

Sarah Jacquet
Assistant Professor
313 Geological Sciences Building

Ph.D Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2013 – 2016

Honours, Majoring in Palaeobiology Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2012

B.S., Majoring in Palaeobiology Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2009 – 2011

Research Focus

Paleobiology and sedimentology

My research is broadly concerned with the paleobiology and functional morphology fossil groups and the implicit biases introduced via taphonomic processes and sampling methodology. Using a combination of high-powered imaging (such as micro-CT), petrographic, and geochemical techniques I am able to tease apart the sources of such biases to gain a more holistic view of the fossil record. Projects span various geological periods and fossil groups, from Cambrian reefs, to Silurian jellyfish, to late Eocene fossilized dung.

Please visit my personal website for more details on my research interests, lab group, and student research opportunities.


GEOL1200 - Environmental Geology

GEOL 1400 - Themes: Rocks on Reel

GEOL3800 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

GEOL4002/7002 - Carbonate Depositional Environments

GEOL4002/7002 - Curation and Care of Natural History Collections

GEOL 7002-01 - Readings in Paleontology

GEOL 8002 - Introduction to Image Processing, Analysis, and Visualization

GEOL 8085 - New Methods in Paleontology [Co-convened w/ Dr. Jim Schiffbauer]