Martin Appold
Martin Appold

Hydrogeology; Geochemistry; Economic Geology
I am interested in the physical and chemical behavior of fluids in the Earth’s crust. My research is currently focused in two areas: (1) the origin of hydrothermal base metal deposits, particularly sediment-hosted base metal deposits and rare earth element deposits, (2) carbon dioxide and hydrogen sequestration in sedimentary formations. My research combines:
- Numerical modeling to simulate fluid flow, heat and solute transport, and chemical reaction
- Analyses of fluid inclusions and minerals to determine fluid compositions, temperatures, and pressures
- Laboratory experiments to quantify the exchange of base metals between brine and dolomite
Planet Earth (GEOL 1050)
Introduction to Earth (GEOL 1100)
Environmental Geology (GEOL 1200)
Themes in Geology (GEOL 1400)
Mineral and Energy Resources of the Earth (GEOL 2600)
Groundwater Hydrology (GEOL 4100/7100)
Groundwater Modeling (GEOL 4130/7130)
Economic Geology (GEOL 4200/7200)
Low Temperature Geochemistry (GEOL 4300/7300)
Hydrogeologic Processes (GEOL 8240)